Capturing carbon
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and improving resilience to extreme weather, are global challenges for farming and land management. Input-efficient crops that can increase carbon capture will help farming and associated industries address climate change, but there must be confidence in achieving profitable and sustainable outcomes.

Image source: Elsoms Seeds

Image source: Elsoms Seeds
Working towards Net Zero
The Centre for High Carbon Capture Cropping (CHCx3) is a four-year, multi-partner project, led by NIAB. The research aims to help UK farmers and growers target Net Zero and build farming resilience through diversifying their arable and forage cropping. It will enable new revenue sources through a carbon marketplace and support enhanced value chains for industries such as textiles and construction.
Diversifying cropping options
The project is focusing on four cropping options: cover crops; annual fibre crops (industrial hemp, flax); perennial food, feed, and forage cropping (including cereals and herbal leys); and perennial biomass crops (miscanthus, willow/poplar). Field trials and demonstrations will examine the effect of cultivation systems and agronomy on economic returns and environmental outcomes, with practical outputs including crop guides, web tools and apps.

Image source: Terravesta